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  1. Power Rangers Wild Force
  2. Power Rangers Ninja Storm
  3. Power Rangers Wild Force Games

Cole Evans spent many years with a tribe deep in the jungle after being abandoned as an infant. He now faces trying to find his destiny in the small town of Turtle Cove. He then finds a place thought to be a fantasy called the Animarium where he teams up with four others who all trying to see if they are going to be the new leader of the Power Rangers Wild Force team.

Each of them given special powers to help keep Earth safe from evil. The Animarium is a large island in the shape of a turtle that floats high in the sky. The wild Zords live there as well as Princess Shayla who becomes the Power Rangers Mentor.

There the power rangers travel back and forth to the Earth to either train, or seek advice from the princess. The form of transportation between the island and the planet Earth is the famous power ranger teleportation that has been used in other seasons. Cole who has a love for all animals is shocked to find out the enemies they were fighting were heartless monsters. The rangers all use their special powers to battle the Orgs who are lead by Master Org.

Cole finds out that he as child was presumed dead after the death of his parents. They were once scientists from turtle cove and were sent out to the jungle on a job. When they went out to work they had a companion they were friends with who was jealous and vengeful with Cole's father who had proposed to his mother before he had a chance to. When they found the remains of Master Org the man consumed his powers to get revenge on Cole's father but he began to go insane and instead of only killing his father also killed cole's mother. Later on Cole who is a Red Ranger has to team up with the other red rangers before him to stop the generals from the Machine Empire from recovering Serpantina from the moon and reactivating it. Serpantina is actually the zord of Lord Zedd of the Machine Empire. The nine red rangers that were once before him were Jason, Aurico,Tommy, Theodore, Jarvis, Andros, Leo, Carter, Wesley, and Eric.

All ten team up to make sure that Serpantina is never recovered and the safety of the planet remains. Rain pounds down as an army of Putrids continues its assault on the city. The powerful Org vines creep across Turtle Cove, strangling the life out of all vegetation.

Power Rangers Wild Force

Meanwhile, the Animarium plummets uncontrollably to the Earth. The Teens and Princess Shayla grab onto anything they can to brace themselves as the floating island crash lands in the center of the city, directly on top of Turtle Lake. When the Teens recover from the impact, they look up to see the giant Master Org stalking through the city. Even though they are without Zords and powerless, the Teens agree that they must protect the Earth at all costs. They chase after Master Org, fighting through the army of Putrids the entire way. Suddenly, Cole hears the sound of a child crying. He looks up and sees a little boy stuck on a balcony several stories up.

A legion of Putrids is ascending a staircase, heading towards him. It's a seemingly hopeless situation, but just then, Cole's jungle instincts begin to take over. He rips off his shirt, grabs onto an Org vine, and swings himself up the building, landing on the little boy's balcony. Just as the Putrids arrive, Cole picks up the child and swings down to safety.

Inspired by Cole's act of heroism, the other Teens, battered from their battle with the Putrids, pick themselves up and follow Cole as he swings off in pursuit of Master Org. The Teens make it to a rooftop where they're able to square off face to face with Master Org. Knowing that they're powerless against him, Master Org toys with the Teens. As the Org giant prepares to destroy the Teens, they stand up to him defiantly, saying that they're still Guardians of the Earth, with or without their powers, and that they'll continue fighting with every last breath. Suddenly, bright orbs of light illuminate the dark sky. They swirl all around Master Org, and chase the Putrids through the streets, zapping them into oblivion and causing the sun to come out again.

As Jindrax and Toxica catch up, Jindrax tells her that Master Org is back and has captured the Princess. Toxica realizes that Master Org is after the Princess' necklace because of the great power it holds. She tells Jindrax that with the power of the necklace, they'll never be safe from Master Org. Meanwhile, the Rangers search by ground and air for the hidden Nexus, where they hope to find the Princess. In the Nexus, the Princess tries to convince Master Org that he once had good in him and can still be redeemed, but to no avail. As the Teens continue their search, they're surprised to come across Jindrax and Toxica, who tell them that they've come to help them rescue the Princess. The Teens are suspicious, but realize they have no other leads.

Toxica tells them that the Nexus is a maze that only Orgs can navigate, and that Master Org put up a force field to hide the Nexus and prevent anyone from rescuing the Princess. The force field is generated by three statues. Once they're destroyed, Jindrax and Toxica can enter the Nexus and rescue the Princess. Meanwhile, Master Org sets his plan in motion, charging the Org Heart with the power of the Princess' necklace, and the Org Spirit Gate.

The Rangers split up and search for the three generator statues, but are surprised when the ghosts of the defeated Org Generals, Nayzor, Mandilok, and Retinax appear to defend them. In the Nexus, Master Org takes the powered up Org Heart and swallows it where it glows red, beating in his chest. The battle is tough, and the Rangers are finally able to destroy the generator statues, but the Ghost Generals still remain. As the force field disappears, Jindrax and Toxica quietly sneak into the Nexus that has begun to shake and crumble.

Master Org continues to sit in a trance, oblivious to all that's going on around him. Jindrax and Toxica finally locate the Princess and break her out of her prison cell.

As they race to escape, they enter the main chamber of. Jindrax contemplates how Toxica was betrayed by the Orgs and wonders if there's anyone left he can trust. Meanwhile, as Merrick and the others discuss how they let the Princess down, an image of Onikage appears before the Teens, ordering them to meet him in the Rock Quarry if they ever want to see the Princess again. When the Rangers arrive in the quarry, they see Mandilok, Onikage, and the captured Princess Shayla standing high above them. Onikage uses a ninja trick to create shadow images of the Rangers that turn and attack them. Mandilok is impressed by Onikage's shadows, but is shocked when Onikage reveals that the whole time, he has been serving his true master, Master Org.

Power rangers wild force zords

With renewed powers and an authentic Org horn, Master Org steps forward and destroys Mandilok. Jindrax, realizing he's next, grabs Princess Shayla and teleports away. The Rangers use this distraction to escape as well.

Master Org calls out to Jindrax, promising forgiveness if he returns with the Princess, but sends Onikage after him anyway. Deep in the forest, Princess Shayla tries to comfort a distraught and confused Jindrax. Realizing there's nowhere he can hide, Jindrax decides to bring his prisoner back to Master Org, but just then, he's ambushed by Onikage who beats him soundly despite the Master's promise of forgiveness. Onikage grabs the Princess and joins Master Org, who has located the Rangers and sent the shadows after them again. Suddenly, Jindrax appears, ranting about how evil the Orgs are for betraying Toxica and destroying one of their own kind.

Master Org tells Onikage to put Jindrax out of his misery. Onikage prepares to use his ninja trick and destroy Jindrax with his own shadow, but just as the attack comes, Jindrax cowers behind Nayzor's mirror, deflecting the energy back at Onikage, creating an Onikage shadow. The Rangers take this opportunity to destroy the Ninja Duke Org, but the battle isn't over. Master Org tosses his magic be. Buried beneath the surface of the Moon lies the dreaded Serpenterra - the most powerful Zord ever built.

For years it has remained undisturbed, but now the forces of evil have finally rediscovered this colossal terror. The remaining forces of the evil Machine Empire, under the command of General Venjix, have discovered this weapon of great destructive power and are preparing to unleash it on the people of the Earth once again.

But already, the forces of good are preparing to stop them. Under the command of the great veteran Red Zeo Ranger - Tommy, the mightiest team of superheroes ever gathered is assembling. From every group of Power Rangers on Earth, and even those across the galaxy, the leaders of their teams are banding together to form the Earth's last line of defense against the threat of Serpenterra. Commemorating, the tenth year anniversary of Power Rangers, all ten Red Rangers from the series' history unite. This time, taking the battle to the enemies and ridding the galaxy of the menace of the Machine Empire and Serpenterra once and for all. On the Animarium, Kite watches in the magic pond as Princess Shayla and Merrick play for the Deer Zord. Kite tells Max that he feels like he's been friends with Merrick for a very long time.

Meanwhile, Jindrax and Toxica, come across the Lion Tamer Org who unsuccessfully tries to tame an alley cat. Disappointed, they don't see how this weak Org could do them any good, but the Lion Tamer Org assures them that the cat he was trying to tame was too small.

He can only tame big animals. Toxica realizes that they can recruit the Lion Tamer Org and use his ability to tame the Wild Zords. The Rangers are alerted to the presence of an Org, and rush to the plaza to confront it. After the Lion Tamer Org forces Alyssa to jump through a hoop, and trains the other Rangers to 'sit,' Toxica surmises that if the Lion Tamer Org were bigger, he could tame even larger animals. She shoves a handful of her magic beans into his mouth, and the Org grows to giant size. The Rangers then summon their Wild Zords to compete with the overgrown Lion Tamer Org, but he quickly takes control over them and forms the Wild Force Megazord. As the Wild Force Megazord attacks the Rangers, Lunar Wolf arrives in his Predazord to defend them.

After the Predazord defeats the Wild Force Megazord it goes after the Lion Tamer Org. The Org tries to gain control of the Predazord, but realizes it can't because the Predazord is inhabited by a pilot. Instead, Lion Tamer forces the WF Megazord back onto its feet. The Rangers decide to counter, by summoning the Kongazord Striker.

The Rangers in the Kongazord try to subdue the WF Megazord without hurting it, but have a tough time standing up to the Megazord's attacks. Jindrax and Toxica take the role of sports announcers and commentate on the battle as if they were watching a boxing match. Lion Tamer Org then summons the Elephant and Giraffe Zords, combining them with the Megazord in 'Sword and Shield' mode, and then switching to. Jindrax and Toxica lead their new master, the Org General Mandilok, to their base of operations - the Nexus. They return to find a sea of rubble covering the floor of the Nexus, all that remains of the other Org Generals that were imprisoned in statues. Realizing Mandilok is the only Org General left, he decides his position as leader of the Orgs is secure, and adds to his followers by discovering two remaining statues hidden in a corner of the Nexus. From them he releases the Duke Orgs Helicos and Artilla and sets off to go destroy the city of Turtle Cove above them.

While wandering through town, Cole meets a young boy named Kite who is stealing food from a construction site. Cole tries to help Kite find his home, but the boy doesn't want his help, and runs away. The Rangers sense a new Org in the city, and come face to face with Mandilok for the first time. Mandilok declares that he shall eat everything that humans built and rid their legacy from the Earth. Toying with the Rangers, Mandilok and his Dukes quickly defeat them. As Cole searches the city for Kite, he finds that Mandilok and his Duke Orgs have the child cornered.

Cole sacrifices his Savage Cycle as he selflessly tries to protect Kite from them. After regrouping on the Animarium, the Rangers decide to get the help of the Lunar Wolf Ranger and go after the new Orgs while Princess Shayla searches for Kite. The Rangers succeed in finding Mandilok, but now, they receive no help from their Wild Zords as if something is blocking their Zords from hearing them.

Meanwhile in a nearby construction yard, Princess Shayla tries to find the homeless Kite so she can take him to safety. Attempting to lure the boy with food, Princess Shayla unexpectedly also attracts the glutton Mandilok who demands she give him her food. The Lunar Wolf Ranger rushes to their aid, and manages to repel Mandilok, who leaves to aid his Duke Orgs. As Mandilok orders Jindrax and Toxica to make Artilla and Helicos grow, the Rangers atte.

The long-lost scientist Dr. Viktor Adler reappears in Turtle Cove. Seeking information from this former colleague of Cole's parents, Cole and the Rangers go to the hospital to meet him but are captured instead. Viktor Adler reveals himself as Master Org and explains his connection to Cole's parents. 20 years ago Cole's mother, father, and Dr.

Adler were colleagues researching the fabled ancient kingdom of Animaria. Adler, jealous of the love between Cole's parents, plotted to kill them both while on an expedition in the Amazon rain forest after discovering the remains of the original Master Org.

Cole's mother hid the baby in the jungle before Dr. Adler could kill her along with her husband. Thus Cole was eventually discovered by a local tribe of natives and raised by them. Cole morphs into the Red Ranger and fights Master Org in an epic duel, eventually using his Animarian Armor to defeat the villain. When Master Org begs for Cole to kill him and end his misery, Cole shows him mercy and leaves him be.

When Master Org meets up with Jindrax and Toxica, he discovers they have discovered and freed the powerful Org General Mandilok. Realizing he is a human, the three Orgs turn on him with Mandilok sending him flying off a cliff to his apparent death.

But as the three Orgs walk away Viktor Adler's body begins a strange transformation. The Wild Force Rangers, Wes, and Eric, are reinforced in their battle against the Mut-Orgs when the Power Rangers Time Force travel back in time to the present in order to stop the Mut-Orgs for good. The Time Force Rangers reunited join the Wild Force Rangers on the Animarium along with Ransik and Nadira. Jen, skeptical of Ransik, must put aside their past and accept his help in dealing with the Mut-Orgs. Ransik tells of how in the distant future while he was still angry at the world, he freed the three Mut-Orgs and allowed them to merge with his own mutant DNA so they could threaten humanity.

The three Mut-Orgs join forces with Master Org, recognizing him as the 'true Master.' Together, they attack the Turtle Cove power plant, seeking to cause an environmental disaster to create an army of Orgs to rule the future. The combined Ranger teams, Ransik, and Nadira battle it out with the Mut-Orgs. During the battle, Ransik sacrifices himself to negate their mutant DNA powers.

The Mut-Orgs now weakened are destroyed by the Rangers and Ransik is miraculously cured from his unstable mutations for good. The two teams of Power Rangers join together for a victory party on the Animarium. Three fugitive Mut-Orgs from the year 3001 travel back in time to help Master Org change history. The Wild Force Rangers team up with the Silver Guardians, Wes, and Eric, to battle these Mut-Orgs. Meanwhile across town, a mysterious cloaked agent from the future tracks the fugitive Mut-Orgs from the shadows. In the future, Time Force Rangers Lucas, Katie, and Trip seek help stopping the rogue Mut-Orgs from their former enemies Ransik and Nadira. When the Wild Force Rangers, Time Force Red Ranger and Quantum Ranger lose badly in battle against the Mut-Orgs, they are saved at the last second by the mysterious cloaked agent - Time Force super-cop Jen, the Pink Time Force Ranger!

Using Nayzor's crown, Master Org, Super Jindrax, and Super Toxica resurrect Nayzor as Super Nayzor to fight the Power Rangers. In a devastating battle, Super Nayzor badly injures Taylor, Alyssa, Max, and Danny. Retreating back to the Animarium, Cole and Merrick are the only Rangers left able to fight the Orgs. While they go to Turtle Cove to fight Super Nayzor, the other four comatose Rangers enter a dream state where they hover between life and death. There they are guided by a mysterious boy of regal bearing who tests them to unlock the previously unknown Zord that has slumbered on the Animarium for 3000 years - the Falcon Zord.

Using their brains and courage to solve the puzzle of the Falcon, they return to good health with the Falcon powers to augment Cole. Cole unlocks the Animarian Armor mode and uses his new Falcon Summoner to defeat Super Nayzor with his friends' help. Believed to be dead by the modern world, Master Org finds his tombstone in a cemetery in Turtle Cove and creates the Tombstone Org from it. While battling it, the Rangers discover the Deer Zord in the wild - a wild beast that recognizes Merrick, but has sore feelings toward him. Princess Shayla explains that 3000 years ago, every morning she would sing to the Deer Zord while Merrick played his flute for it, and it is probably upset that nobody has sang to him since. Merrick and Princess Shayla reunite to play their song for the Deer Zord to entice it into helping the Rangers finish the Tombstone Org.

Alyssa's father comes to Turtle Cove to visit his daughter. Disappointed that she has apparently neglected the family's tradition of practicing martial arts, he scolds her. Alyssa pleads with him to allow her to focus on her own path in life by going to Turtle Cove University and studying environmental science instead of taking over the family dojo.

But when the Rangers battle Samurai Org, Alyssa's father sees the White Ranger expertly use martial arts techniques he taught his daughter. He realizes that his daughter has honored his teachings while seeking her own path.

Max must convince his former bowling mentor, Don, to help the Rangers defeat the powerful Bowling Org. Max reflects how he had to give up an opportunity to learn from Don before when he was recruited to become a Power Ranger. Believing Max is a quitter, Don refuses to teach him his famous tornado spin. After watching Max dedicate himself to practicing, Don finally believes Max is sincere and has matured as a person. He relents and teaches Max his famous Tornado Spin that helps the Rangers defeat the Bowling Org. Alyssa and Cole seek information about Cole's parents at the library.


Before they could find relevant information, they are called by the other Rangers to fight Org monsters. During the battle, Cole is injured and develops amnesia.

Just when the teens find Cole on a farm, they are attacked by Orgs. Cole finally recovers his memory after defeating the Orgs. Later, the kids learn that Cole's parents are presumed dead when they discover their grave stones.

But Cole takes heart as his tombstone is right next to his parents, and after all he turned out to be alive after being presumed dead. Elsewhere, Jindrax and Toxica discover Master Org's shocking secret - that he is a human pretending to be an Org. Also he is the missing person in the photo Cole carries with him of his parents and himself as a baby. When Jindrax and Toxica revolt against Master Org, the Master uses his powers to enslave them into mindless fighting machines as Super Jindrax and Super Toxica.

The Rangers break the curse of Zen-Aku and now with his memory restored and the evil spell finally broken, Merrick must decide whether to team up with the Rangers or remain on his own. Seeking to trick Jindrax and Toxica, Merrick asks them to take him to Master Org. Master Org and Nayzor see through his trick and strike him down. Master Org takes the four stolen Animal Crystals that Merrick took from the Rangers while he was Zen-Aku to create Quadra Org. The Rangers battle Quadra Org and Merrick risks life and limb to help them. Zen-Aku's Animal Crystals, moved by Merrick's courage, rush to his aid and give him the powers of the Lunar Wolf Ranger.

Merrick uses the Predazord to help the Rangers destroy Quadra Org. Nayzor tries to retreat with the Animal Crystals but Merrick intercepts the General Org and destroys him regaining the Animal Crystals. Merrick returns the crystals to the Rangers but refuses to join them as part of the Wild Force team, much to the surprise of the Power Rangers and Princess Shayla. With his memory blocked, Zen-Aku obediently turns the Rangers' stolen crystals over to Nayzor who then orders Zen-Aku to destroy the Rangers. During a lunar eclipse, Zen-aku temporarily returns to his human form of Merrick. He tells the Rangers about his journey from good to evil - 3000 years ago Merrick placed a Wolf Mask on his face in order to defeat Master Org but discovered he couldn't remove it.

As the mask begins to turn him into Zen-Aku, Merrick begs the other Ancient Warriors to destroy him. Their hearts wouldn't let them do it, so they entombed him instead. The Rangers and Princess Shayla realize that the Moon is what gives Zen-Aku his power. Armed with this new knowledge, the Rangers set out to break the spell over Merrick once and for all. Depressed after losing four of the Animal Crystals to Zen-Aku, the teens decide to reclaim their crystals. Using their Wild Force Megazord, the Rangers confront Zen-Aku. Attaching his newly acquired Bear Zords to the Predazord, Zen-Aku attacks the heroes when a mysterious figure appears from the sky and pleads with Zen-Aku to remember his past.

After the battle, Zen-Aku reflects upon the mysterious person when Nayzor approaches him and tricks him into opening a box containing a fly that blocks his memory. It doesn't take long for the teens to discover that Zen-Aku is really an ancient Animarian warrior named Merrick. Princess Shayla tends to the Rangers' wounds after their disastrous battle with the evil Wolf Duke Org Zen-Aku. Saddened that her crystal was stolen, Alyssa secretly leaves her friends in search for her it. Meanwhile, Nayzor confronts Zen-Aku and demands the Elephant Crystal.

The defiant Zen-Aku declares that he will no longer take orders from Nayzor or Master Org. Later, the Rangers join Alyssa in her search for her crystal and confront Zen-Aku. Zen-Aku, however, reveals that he controls three Dark Wild Zords of his own. With the Red Lion Zord injured, Cole and the rest of the Rangers go on a quest to find the mythical Soul Bird - an elusive creature from ancient times that had the power to heal the Wild Zords. Jindrax and Toxica recruit the Bull Dozer Org to level the forest before the Rangers can find the bird. When Toxica makes the Org grow, Red Lion risks it all to help the Rangers by jumping into battle despite his injury.

When Red Lion is hurt again in battle, the other Rangers engage in battle with Jindrax, Toxica, and the Putrids while Cole runs through the jungle in search of the Soul Bird. On his own, Cole comes face to face with the Master Org. Master Org attacks Cole.

In the battle, Cole's photo of himself as a baby and his parents falls from his pocket. Master Org is shocked to see the photo and as he picks it up he begins to recall sketchy memories of his own past where he chased Cole's parents and baby through a jungle. As Master Org used his vine powers on Cole's parents, it is unclear what happened to them next. Cole snatches back his photo from Master Org just as the Soul Bird appears to them both. Master Org zaps the Soul Bird causing it to flee. Taunting Cole, Master Org informs him that the Soul Bird never appears twice and thus the Lion is history.

From the depths of the jungle, the Gorilla Zord rushes into battle helping the other Wild Zords fight the Bull Dozer Org. Combining with the Gorilla, the Wild Zords form the Kongazord and defeat the Org. As the Rangers lament their missed chance to find the Soul Bird, they discover its nest and find a Soul Bird egg inside it. Finding new hope, the Rangers take it back to the Animarium as Cole comments how this Soul Bird in the egg, much like himself, will never know its mother. Taylor meets two mysterious twins dressed in white and black sneaking around her old Air Force Base. Taylor reflects on how she discovered the Animarium one year ago and has been considered Missing In Action since. When she battles the Cell Phone Org, gobbling up people's cell phones, she is injured in battle but is saved by the two mysterious twin boys.

While the other Rangers are forced to fight the Cell Phone Org without their powers, Taylor helps the two twin boys sneak back into the military base and retrieves two flowers for them. Rewarding her for her bravery, the two boys reveal themselves to be the long lost Polar Bear and Black Bear Wild Zords. They combine with the Megazord and allow the Rangers to defeat the Cell Phone Org. Unfortunately their raw power is too much for the Red Lion and the Megazord disengages. The Rangers are left wondering how to cure the injured Red Lion Zord. On a class field trip to some nearby caves for her archaeology class, Alyssa discovers a symbol on a cave wall that matches her Ranger belt buckle.

Princess Shayla and Cole accompany Alyssa down to Earth to investigate, but the Tire Org captures Princess Shayla and speeds off with her. To help the Rangers catch up with this high speed Org, the Wild Zords transform into Savage Cycles - sophisticated living motorcycles for the Power Rangers to ride on. While the Tire Org grows giant-size to fight the Rangers' Megazord, Jindrax and Toxica take Princess Shayla to Master Org in the cave with the symbol. Master Org commands Princess Shayla to release the Wild Zord trapped by the symbol, but the Princess says only the Wild Zord can choose who can release it from the cave.

Alyssa arrives to rescue Princess Shayla and the Elephant Zord trapped in the cave chooses to give its Animal Crystal to Alyssa. Alyssa summons the Elephant Zord to combine with the Megazord allowing the Rangers to defeat the Tire Org. Princess Shayla and the Rangers realize there are other Wild Zords still out there waiting to be discovered. When Danny meets his old love interest Kendall, he immediately falls back in love again. Danny and Max's friendship is tested when Kendall diverts Danny's attention away from Max. When Max is captured by the Bell Org, Danny remembers how he owes his life to Max and considers him his best friend. Remembering Max's mantra of 'never give up,' Danny is determined to rescue Max at any cost.

Finding newfound confidence in himself, Danny tries to tell Kendall how he has always loved her but gets cold feet at the last second. On the Animarium, Princess Shayla informs Cole about the events that happened 3000 years ago which are affecting the present. She tells him how the Kingdom of Animaria fell to the Orgs during a great battle. To protect the Wild Zords and the Princess of the Kingdom, six ancient warriors - the predecessors of the Power Rangers Wild Force - used their magical abilities to cause the Valley of the Wild Zords to lift off into a floating island in the sky where it would be safe from harm. This turtle-shaped island left a turtle-shaped hole in the Earth which would eventually become Turtle Lake - the center of the city of Turtle Cove. Cole disregards Taylor's rule book for the Wild Force team, finding her leadership style too rigid. Unhappy with this new style of leadership, Taylor goes off on her own to fight the Camera Org.

But when the Camera Org takes her picture, she becomes invisible. Cole must use all his instincts to outwit the Camera Org and save Taylor's life. The evil Jindrax and Toxica find the Nexus, birthplace of the Orgs, underneath the city of Turtle Cove.

Hoping to find the Master Org there, they find a slightly different incarnation of their master, who easily intimidates them into following him. Master Org then sends the Barbed Wire Org and his foot soldiers, the Putrids, to fight the Rangers. Cole tries to reach out to the Orgs, believing that all living creatures have hearts, but he is horrified to find out that the Orgs don't have any. When Toxica uses her magical powers to make the Barbed Wire Org grow giant size, the Red Lion instructs Cole how to make the five Wild Zords combine into the Wild Force Megazord to fight back.

With the power of the Megazord's Megaroar attack, the Power Rangers save the day. Cole, a young man raised in the Amazon rain forest journeys to the city of Turtle Cove in search of clues to where he came from.

While adjusting to life in the concrete jungle, he is soon approached by four well-meaning teens who take him up to their home - a floating island in the sky called the Animarium. The Animarium is a giant nature preserve for gargantuan beasts known as Wild Zords, including the Red Lion Zord which calls out to Cole specifically. In the ruins of an ancient temple, Cole meets Princess Shayla and is recruited to become the Red Ranger and leader of the Power Rangers Wild Force.

The five Rangers' first mission is to defeat the nefarious Plugma Org and Turbine Org, with the aid of their Wild Zords.

Next → is an American created by (but acquired by as part of the recent acquisition of the entire franchise) and the tenth season and anniversary of the franchise, began airing on February 9, 2002 on. Power Rangers Wild Force comprises 40 episodes and concluded its initial airing on November 16, 2002 on. Wild Force uses footage and elements from the series. Regular cast members during Wild Force include, Philip Andrew, Ann Marie Crouch, and Sin Wong. Power Rangers Wild Force takes place in 2002.

The first part of the series was originally broadcast from February 9 to August 10, 2002 on the television block. Following the sale of Fox Family Worldwide (renamed ) including (renamed ) to by and, parent company, the show was moved in the fall 2002 to 's new Saturday morning block, (formerly ). Wild Force was the first and only season to be under the copyright of Disney Enterprises. Disney had bought Power Rangers (along with other Saban properties) of the final run of. It was the last season to be produced in the United States by MMPR Productions as pre-production for Wild Force began before the buyout as well as they still had a contract for. When this expired, the series moved to on September 14, 2002.

Following this season, production of the Power Rangers franchise moved from to, which resulted in many crew members and all voice actors being laid off. Episodes No. In series No. In season Title Directed by Written by Original air date 419 1 'Lionheart' William Winkler February 9, 2002 ( 2002-02-09) Somewhere in the wilderness, a young man named Cole leaves a tribe to search for his past. In the city of Turtle Cove, four Rangers are battling two powerful orgs, but are outmatched. The orgs leave, and Alyssa comments on how they need a fifth Ranger, but their leader Taylor disagrees. Cole arrives in the city and tries to find the people in his photo - his parents.

He ends up saving animals from a shady shelter run by two devious clowns. Cole and the animals make it out of the shelter safely, and the animal snatchers are revealed to be the duke orgs Toxica and Jindrax. The four Rangers find Cole in the city and ask him to come with them. Taylor ends up punching him in the gut, and they haul him away unconscious. Cole wakes up to find himself in a jungle, and he is greeted by five robotic animals - Lion, Tiger, Bison, Shark, and Eagle - the Power Animals. Cole then makes his way to a temple, where he is greeted by the four Rangers and their mentor, Princess Shayla. Cole shows the team a red crystal with the lion spirit in it.

They surprise him by showing him their own colored crystals. The Org from earlier returns to wreak more havoc in the city. Shayla dispatches the Rangers. Taylor gives Cole his Growl Phone and shows him how to morph. The Rangers, are still unable to defeat the orgs.

They combine their weapons into the Jungle Sword, destroying one org. Jindrax and Toxica appear. Toxica grows the other org into a giant. The wild zords come to help the Rangers and destroy the org.

Another mission complete, but what will they face next? 420 2 'Darkness Awakening' Koichi Sakamoto February 9, 2002 ( 2002-02-09) Barbwire Org has surfaced, and starts to attack the city with his wires. Jindrax and Toxica find the old org temple, and find Master Org, the father of all orgs, ready to kick some Ranger butt. The Rangers arrive in the city to fight the org, but while Cole tries to reason with it, Taylor wants to fight. An army of putrids welcomes the Rangers, and Cole sticks to his plan and tries to reason with Barbwire Org. After he finds that orgs do not have hearts, he goes with Taylor's plan and morphs. The Rangers destroy Barbwire Org with the Jungle Sword, and he grows to giant size.

The wild zords come from the Animarium island and Red Lion tells Cole they need to combine the wild zords, forming the Wild Force Megazord. The team puts together their Crystal Sabers and the power animals come together, and the megazord is formed. The megazord growls, signaling it means business. The Rangers use the Mega Roar and destroy Barbwire Org.

Master Org, creates a new plan. Back on the Animarium, the Rangers give Cole a make-over, officially making him part of the team. 421 3 'Click, Click, Zoom' Koichi Sakamoto Jill Donnellan February 16, 2002 ( 2002-02-16) Master Org gives Toxica and Jindrax a pep talk in preparation for his next dastardly plan. Cole reads Taylor's Ranger rule book, but says there should only be one rule: teamwork.

Taylor storms off and arrives in the city, noticing a woman telling her child about the Animarium legend. The story of the Animarium is told, but with a terrible result. Camera Org resurfaces and makes everyone invisible with once single click. Taylor runs into Jindrax, and the two fight until Camera Org makes Taylor invisible. The other Rangers come to help, and while Cole lures away Camera Org, Alyssa, Danny, and Max take on an army of putrids. Cole manages to trick Camera Org and get his film, restoring everyone's visibility. Taylor meets up with the Rangers, but they are all wrapped up by Camera Org.

Cole unleashes his new Lion Blaster, destroying the org. Toxica revives him into a giant.

The Rangers call forth the Wild Force Megazord, which destroys Camera Org with the Mega Roar. Taylor makes peace with Cole, accepting him as the new leader. 422 4 'Never Give Up!' Terry Withrow Katherine Torpey February 23, 2002 ( 2002-02-23) Max reads the newspaper and suggests that he and Danny check out the haunted temple to see if it has an org.

Danny's mind is elsewhere, though, as he has his eyes on Kendall, whom he has a crush on. Kendall and Danny ride off, leaving Max behind. An upset Max decides to check the temple on his own, but gets scared and runs back. The next day, Danny tries to apologize but is distracted by Kendall once again. It turns out Bell Org was at the temple, and traps Max in one of his bells. The other Rangers arrive to fight Bell Org.

Danny hears Max inside the bell, and runs up to save him. The two best friends reconcile and the Rangers regroup.

Danny and Max give Belll Org double trouble injuries and then form the Jungle Sword. Toxica resurrects the org into a giant, but it is once again destroyed by the Mega Roar. Danny visits Kendall in order to tell her about his true feelings, but chickens out. Luckily, Kendall finds a note Danny left for her. 423 5 'Ancient Awakening' Terry Withrow Suzi Shimoyama March 2, 2002 ( 2002-03-02) Alyssa starts a day at school on an archeological dig. While snooping around, she finds a glowing Wild Force emblem inside a cave.

Later, she grabs Princess Shayla and Cole to help her check it out. Tire Org starts terrorizing the city. The three available Rangers show up to fight it. Tire Org manages to stall Taylor, Danny, and Max, giving him time to dash over to Cole, Alyssa, and Princess Shayla. He kidnaps the princess, and the Rangers try to run after him. The power animals send the new savage cycles, and Alyssa manages to stop Tire Org.

The Rangers destroy Tire Org with a blast from the cycles, and Alyssa saves Princess Shayla. Toxica resurrects the org into a giant, and the Wild Force Megazord is formed.

Master Org kidnaps Princess Shayla while the Rangers are busy, and forces her to try to open the seal. Alyssa leaves the Megazord to help the Princess, but is knocked out by the powerful Master Org. When Shayla tells Master Org that she can't open the seal, only the chosen one can, he decides to blow it up. After Master Org leaves, Shayla and Alyssa inspect the rubble, and find that the Power Animal behind the seal still lives. An animal crystal appears before Alyssa, and summons the Elephant Zord, forming the Wild Force Megazord sword and shield mode.

Tire Org is destroyed and Cole tries to master his new savage cycle. 424 6 'Wishes On The Water' Koichi Sakamoto William Winkler March 9, 2002 ( 2002-03-09) Alyssa reads a story to Max and Danny about a creature in Turtle Lake that can grant wishes.

Max falls asleep and has a short dream about the megazord getting defeated. Max wishes the others would stop calling him a kid, and as the book instructs, he writes it down on paper, puts it in a bottle, and throws it into the lake.

That night, the Rangers fight the dreadful Ship Org, who stole Max's bottle. Max is knocked out, and the Rangers take him back to the Animarium. There, he has the same dream, but this time, a voice tells him to use the Spear of Pardolis. He confides in Princess Shayla, and then returns to fight Ship Org.

The other Rangers join him and Ship Org is destroyed by the Jungle Sword. The Rangers then call their Wild Zords after Toxica revives him into giant. Max's dream becomes reality, and Princess Shayla remembers that Pardolis was an ancient Animarium warrior who had control over the Giraffe Zord, his spear.

The Rangers then call on the Giraffe, forming the Wild Force Megazord Spear Mode and Ship Org is destroyed. 425 7 'The Bear Necessities' Koichi Sakamoto Derek Rydall March 16, 2002 ( 2002-03-16) When jogging, Taylor stops by at the airport and remembers when she first came to the Animarium. She then meets two boys: wearing black and white, running from a security guard. She saves them from capture and finds out from the security guard that she was the best pilot Turtle Cove ever had. Then, Cellphone Org starts attacking the city and can disrupt the Rangers' ability to morph. He injures Taylor, who manages to hide in an abandoned factory.

Putrids find her, but the two boys save her using psychic powers. While the other Rangers deal with Cellphone Org, Taylor is tasked by the boys to get two flowers from a steep cliff.

The others manage to break Cellphone Org's antenna, allowing Taylor to morph, fly, and get the flowers. The boys give her two seeds, and she then returns to the others. Cellphone Org is destroyed by the Jungle Sword, and Toxica revives him into a giant. The Rangers then notice the boys Taylor met before. The boys sprinkle pollen from the flowers on each other, turning them into the Black and Polar Bear Zords. The seeds Taylor was given turns into animal crystals, and the Wild Force Megazord Double Knuckle Mode is formed.

Even though Cellphone Org is destroyed, Red Lion becomes tired from taking in energy from the bear brothers, causing the megazord to overload. 426 8 'Soul Searching' Koichi Sakamoto Jill Donnellan March 23, 2002 ( 2002-03-23) The rangers learn of a magical bird called the Soul Bird in the forest that can heal the Wild Zords. Cole thinks it may be able to heal the Red Lion, so the Rangers head off to find it. However, they are stopped by Toxica, Jindrax, and a grown Bulldozer Org. Since Red Lion is still exhausted, the Rangers can't form the megazord. Red Lion objects and says he will fight, so the Rangers do what Jindrax and Toxica want them to.

However, they need to use the bear brothers once again. Red Lion becomes exhausted and injured, so the other Wild Zords try to protect him. Cole then tries to find the Soul Bird, and Jindrax and Toxica go after him. But, Taylor, Alyssa, Danny, and Max stop them. Cole encounters Master Org, who scares away the Soul Bird.

Power Rangers Ninja Storm

The gorilla crystal then comes to Cole, who reunites with the others and forms the Kongazord. After Bulldozer Org is destroyed, the Rangers find a Soul Bird egg, and Cole becomes sad, because the little chick won't know its mother. 427 9 'Soul Bird Salvation' Worth Keeter Suzi Shimoyama March 30, 2002 ( 2002-03-30) A wandering General Org called Retinaxe battles the Rangers to prove his worth. With Freezer Org's help, the Zords are frozen and the Rangers are rendered powerless.

Power Rangers Wild Force Games

The Soul Bird hatches, restores the Zords and powers, and helps the Rangers defeat Retinaxe. 428 10 'Curse of the Wolf' Taro Sakamoto Katherine Torpey April 6, 2002 ( 2002-04-06) Master Org releases the General Org Nayzor, who finds and releases another Duke Org - Zen-Aku. Zen-Aku utterly defeats the Rangers in battle, and steals the Elephant zord from Alyssa. 429 11 'Battle Of The Zords' Koichi Sakamoto Derek Rydall April 13, 2002 ( 2002-04-13) An injured Alyssa is tended to by Zen-Aku, after she is attacked by Toxica and Jindrax. Zen-Aku summons his own Dark Wild Zords to battle the Rangers' Wild Zords.


430 12 'Predazord, Awaken' Koichi Sakamoto Bergen Williams April 20, 2002 ( 2002-04-20) After defeating the runaway Bus org, the Rangers face Zen-Aku who defeats Cole easily in a brief battle, he also combines his Dark Wild Zords into the Predazord, and steals the Giraffe Power Animal from them. 431 13 'Revenge Of Zen-Aku' Koichi Sakamoto Jill Donnellan April 27, 2002 ( 2002-04-27) Zen-Aku frees Motorcycle Org, and kidnaps Princess Shayla.

Shayla's necklace brings back vague memories for Zen-Aku. The Rangers battle Motorcycle Org and Zen-Aku, and get back the Princess. Taylor is defeated by Zen-Aku, who steals the Bear animal crystals. 432 14 'Identity Crisis' Taro Sakamoto Suzi Shimoyama May 4, 2002 ( 2002-05-04) As Zen-Aku begins to remember his true past, Nayzor plants a bug in his head, which convinces him that he is pure evil, making him an even more dangerous threat to the Rangers. 433 15 'The Ancient Warrior' Taro Sakamoto Katherine Torpey May 11, 2002 ( 2002-05-11) The ancient Animus intervenes to reveal Zen-Aku's true identity - Merrick, the ancient warrior who defeated Master Org by using the cursed wolf mask. By defeating the Predazord with new zords, the Rangers break the curse, returning Merrick back to normal.

434 16 'The Lone Wolf' Taro Sakamoto Derek Rydall May 18, 2002 ( 2002-05-18) After a failed attempt to retrieve the stolen Animal Crystals, Merrick must fight the Quadra Org, who was created with the power of the crystals. With the Rangers tied up, Merrick battles on his own, until his Wild Zords return to him and give him the power to morph into the Lunar Wolf Ranger. 435 17 'Power Play' Koichi Sakamoto Jill Donnellan June 1, 2002 ( 2002-06-01) Toxica powers herself up into the newest General Org - Necronomica. Merrick helps the Rangers defeat her with his newest vehicle - the Wolf Savage Cycle. 436 18 'Secrets And Lies' Koichi Sakamoto Bergen Williams June 8, 2002 ( 2002-06-08) Signal Org makes Cole lose his memory. He ends up on a farm, and is eventually found by the Rangers and returned to normal just in time to defeat Signal Org. Also, Alyssa discovers that Cole's parents have been presumed dead.

437 19 'The Tornado Spin' Worth Keeter Derek Rydall June 15, 2002 ( 2002-06-15) Bowling Org makes Max learn a new bowling technique the tornado spin. To learn the move, he must convince his old bowling coach to regain his will to bowl. 438 20 'Three's a Crowd' Taro Sakamoto Katherine Torpey & Bergen Williams June 29, 2002 ( 2002-06-29) Danny competes for Kendall's affection while the Rangers try to find Wedding Dress Org and his captives. Kendall discovers that Danny is the Black Ranger, and inspires him to single handedly turn the tide against the Org. In the end, Danny's life doesn't allow them to be together.

439 21 'A Father's Footsteps' Koichi Sakamoto Suzi Shimoyama July 6, 2002 ( 2002-07-06) Alyssa's father is in town, and calls Alyssa for lunch. Samurai Org stirs up trouble, and Alyssa must recall her father's training to defeat him. 440 22 'Sing Song' Taro Sakamoto Jill Donnellan July 13, 2002 ( 2002-07-13) To defeat Tombstone Org, who is powered by six Org spirits, the Rangers need the help of the Deer Zord. To get the Deer to help them, Shayla and Merrick must sing for him to make him happy again. 441 23 'The Wings of Animaria' Worth Keeter Suzi Shimoyama July 20, 2002 ( 2002-07-20) Nayzor is resurrected, stronger than ever, but he is defeated by Cole's new weapon, the Falcon Summoner, and destroyed as a giant by the Rangers' new Megazord the Isis Megazord featuring: the falcon, the deer, the giraffe, rhino and armadillo.

442 24 'Reinforcements from the Future, Part I' Koichi Sakamoto Amit Bhaumik July 27, 2002 ( 2002-07-27) Wes and Eric track down three Mutorgs from the future to Turtle Cove, where they team up with the Wild Force rangers to battle them. The Rangers are greatly overpowered, and only with the intervention of Jen are they able to escape. Guest Stars:, Kevin Kleinberg, Deborah Estelle Philips, Kate Sheldon, Daniel Southworth and 443 25 'Reinforcements from the Future, Part II' Koichi Sakamoto Amit Bhaumik August 3, 2002 ( 2002-08-03) The other Time Force Rangers arrive from the future, bringing Ransik and Nadira with them. They track down the Mutorgs, and Ransik manages to destroy their mutant halves. This allows the 12 Rangers to destroy the trio.

Guest Stars: Erin Cahill, Michael Copon, Jason Faunt, Kevin Kleinberg, Deborah Estelle Philips, Kate Sheldon, Daniel Southworth and Vernon Wells. 444 26 'The Master's Last Stand' Koichi Sakamoto Derek Rydall August 10, 2002 ( 2002-08-10) Master Org kidnaps four of the Rangers, and reveals his true origin to Cole. In a heated battle, Cole destroys Master Org's Org half, reverting him back to a normal human. Meanwhile, Toxica and Jindrax have found a replacement to lead them - General Org Mandilok.

Note: This episode was featured in the 2013 Colors of Courage Marathon, and was the last episode that originally aired on Fox Kids. 445 27 'Unfinished Business' Taro Sakamoto Suzi Shimoyama September 14, 2002 ( 2002-09-14) Zen-Aku returns to rejoin with Merrick, and only by learning to accept help from his friends does Merrick defeat this evil from his past. Note: This was the first episode to be shown on ABC Kids. 446 28 'Homecoming' Taro Sakamoto Katherine Torpey September 14, 2002 ( 2002-09-14) Cole befriends a mysterious young boy named Kite, who helps them defeat Mandilok's two new Duke Orgs - Artilla and Helicos.

447 29 'The Flute' Worth Keeter Katherine Torpey September 21, 2002 ( 2002-09-21) A flute playing Org controls the citizens of Turtle Cove, and the Rangers, with his music. A surprising ally comes to their rescue - Animus. 448 30 'Team Carnival' Koichi Sakamoto Katherine Torpey September 21, 2002 ( 2002-09-21) Jindrax teams up with his brother to prove his worth by destroying the Rangers. After his brother is killed, Jindrax narrowly escapes. 449 31 'Taming Of The Zords' Koichi Sakamoto Katherine Torpey September 28, 2002 ( 2002-09-28) The Rangers battle for control of the Wild Zords against Lion Tamer Org. The Zords are broken free of the Org's spell by Kite, who displays some mysterious powers. 450 32 'Monitoring Earth' Taro Sakamoto Katherine Torpey September 28, 2002 ( 2002-09-28) Mandilok convinces Kite that humans are no good, and unleashes Monitor Org on them.

Just as the Rangers defeat the Org, Kite reveals himself as Animus. He determines that humans do not deserve the Wild Zords' help, and takes them all away.

451 33 'The Soul of Humanity' Taro Sakamoto Katherine Torpey October 5, 2002 ( 2002-10-05) The Rangers struggle to defeat Toy Org without their Zords. When Animus truly believes in the soul of humanity, and the Rangers' commitment to protecting the Earth, he returns the Zords to the Rangers. 452 34 'Forever Red' Koichi Sakamoto Amit Bhaumik October 5, 2002 ( 2002-10-05) Cole and 9 other Red Rangers (except Rocky, so Eric has to take his place) from previous series unite to destroy the remaining Machine Empire. Guest Stars: Jason Faunt, Sean Cw Johnson, Christopher Khayman Lee, Danny Slavin, Daniel Southworth, and Selwyn Ward. 453 35 'The Master's Herald, Part I' Koichi Sakamoto Jill Donnelllan October 19, 2002 ( 2002-10-19) To prepare for his return, Master Org sends the ninja Duke Org Onikage to take care of business.

Onikage succeeds in kidnapping Shayla and destroys Toxica. 454 36 'The Master's Herald, Part II' Koichi Sakamoto Jill Donnellan October 19, 2002 ( 2002-10-19) Onikage creates Shadow Rangers to fight the Rangers. Master Org reappears and destroys Mandilok; Onikage is eventually destroyed by the Pegasus Megazord, but Master Org does manage to walk off with the Princess. 455 37 'Fishing for a Friend' Taro Sakamoto Suzi Shimoyama November 2, 2002 ( 2002-11-02) Jindrax sets up both the Rangers and the new Locomotive Org to re-energize Toxica's horn, which he uses to fish her out of the spirit world, Meanwhile, Master Org prepares the Nexus for a mysterious ceremony, and snatches Princess Shayla's necklace, for his ceremony. 456 38 'Sealing the Nexus' Taro Sakamoto Derek Rydall November 2, 2002 ( 2002-11-02) The Rangers battle resurrected Org generals to disable the Nexus's force field, so that their new allies Toxica and Jindrax may sneak in and rescue Princess Shayla. 457 39 'The End of the Power Rangers, Part I' Jill Donnellan & Katherine Torpey November 16, 2002 ( 2002-11-16) Master Org returns from an apparent death and attacks the Rangers with his new form.

He destroys all the Wild Zords, and the Ranger's powers. 458 40 'The End of the Power Rangers, Part II' Jonathan Tzachor Derek Rydall & Suzi Shimoyama November 16, 2002 ( 2002-11-16) The Wild Zords return from the dead, along with other Wild Zords of the world, and destroy Master Org with an Ultra Roar. The Rangers then destroy the Org Heart so Master Org won't come back.